Gay London Life | Oct '24 Edition - Magazine - Page 14
You might know Dee Chanelle as the boss at ZODIAC, but she’s
also a singer-songwriter with a big project coming out this month.
We spoke to her ahead of what looks like a busy November…
Hey Dee, ZODIAC turns three this month —
available on major digital platforms on Friday
how does it feel?
22nd November. As a bonus and thank you,
We are truly blessed to see ZODIAC past its
those who attend the album launch at ZODIAC
third year. This is due to the hard work that the
will receive a signed limited edition CD.
founders and the operations team, both past
You sound like a busy gal — have you got any
and present, have put in. We are genuinely
other projects on the go?
grateful for the support given to us by the
Actually, at this point, my main focus will be
LGBTQ community over the past few years.
on the music outside of ZODIAC. When you
This is only possible with their continuous
release a body of work, the real work comes in
when you start the promotions. This includes
We can’t imagine that you’re going to let this
a lot of performances, online marketing and
big occasion pass without a celebration...
the most exciting part for me — making the
Absolutely not! We will be doing massive
music videos!
celebrations during November, including a
What are the values that motivate you in all
Halloween special on Saturday 2nd November.
your work?
We hear you’re also releasing an album, how
I’m a firm believer in working hard and giving
did that come about?
it 100%. I’m a very all-or-nothing type of
Yes indeed — it’s called Swipe (Lover for the
person so I spend sleepless nights trying to
Weekend). This is very exciting for me as this
figure out how I can throw myself into Diva
project was conceived a few years ago and
Superstardom. My main motivation is to inspire
hindered by lockdown. The momentum went
others and establish a platform to elevate
haywire. When you’re on a creative streak,
trans visibility through creative music and
it’s so difficult to get back on the bandwagon.
entrepreneurship. Even against all odds, you
I wrote all the tracks in this studio and was
can keep reaching for the stars. Even if I just
very fortunate to collaborate with a bunch of
reach the moon, I’d be ecstatic!
talented writers and musicians. The majority of
the album is a collaboration with composer and
Swipe (Lover
producer James Marshall Murray who has a
for the
great musical background.
What can listeners expect to hear — and
album launch, Friday 22nd November,
when will it be ready?
8pm-late, ZODIAC,
Expect retro pop, a cocktail of funk, disco and
119 Hampstead Road, NW1 3EE
soul with a modern touch. The album will be
Nearest Station: Warren Street