Garth Hill College - KS4 Options Handbook 2024 - Flipbook - Page 6
Submitting Options
Students should submit their option choices by the deadline date. Late submissions may not be given the
same priority. Irrespective of guided pathway, students should submit their choices by ranking at least four
subjects in order of preference (thus indicating reserve choices). Please note that whilst we will make every
effort to allocate students their higher ranked preferences, timetable constraints, staffing and group sizes
mean that it is not always possible to give everyone their first choices.
The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) sets out the levels against which a qualification can be
recognised in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This framework helps learners to make informed
decisions about the qualifications they need, and help employers and providers assess what qualifications a
candidate has achieved. The QCF has nine levels and sets out the basis on which qualifications are approved,
so that it is easier to compare one type of qualification with another.
Qualifications are best understood by level of difficulty, size and content. Each accredited qualification has a
level according to the qualifications framework it is on. Levels are a standard way of comparing qualifications
and what learners have successfully achieved. For example, a BTEC Level 2 qualification is equivalent to a
GCSE at grade 9 - 1.
NQF level
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Examples of Qualifications
What they provide / demonstrate
Entry Level Certificates
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Skills for Life
Functional Skills at entry level (English,
Maths and ICT)
GCSE grades 1-3 (old grades D-G)
BTEC Introductory Diplomas and
OCR Nationals
Skills for Life
GCSE grades 4-9 (old A*-C)
BTEC First Diplomas and Certificates
OCR Nationals
Skills for Life
AS and A Levels
International Baccalaureate
BTEC Nationals
OCR Nationals
T Levels
Basic knowledge and skills
Ability to apply learning in everyday
Not geared towards specific occupations
Basic knowledge and skills
Ability to apply learning with guidance or
May be linked to job competence
Good knowledge and understanding of a
Ability to perform variety of tasks with
some guidance or supervision
Appropriate for many job roles
Ability to gain or apply a range of
knowledge, skills and understanding at a
detailed level
Appropriate if you plan to go to
university, work independently or (in
some cases) supervise.