Gabriel 150 years - Flipbook - Page 51
garn, in the town of Nykøbing on the island of
Falster. The Nykøbing spinning mill, Gabriel
Garn, could make greater quantities of better
quality yarn than the worn-out spinning mill
in Aalborg. The latter was closed in ±∫π∫, and
investments in new equipment and greater
capacity were made in Nykøbing.
Gabriel Holding A/S purchased the carpet manufacturer, Scantuft, in the town of Holstebro,
in ±∫ππ. The group of major shareholders in
the two companies was almost identical, and
their plan was to make full use of the capacity
of the yarn-spinning mill in Nykøbing.
The results did not live up to expectations,
however, so already in ±∫π∫-∫∞, Gabriel made a
trade with Denmark’s largest producer of carManaging Director Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen on the
pets, Ege Tæpper, so Gabriel instead took over
left and Quality Consultant Anders Hahr on the
another manufacturer of upholstery fabric, Her-
presentation of the ISO ∫∞∞± certificate in March
ning Klædefabrik. Production in the town of
Herning was moved to Gabriel in Aalborg, and
the take over of the customers, patterns and
were not documented, making it difficult to
stock of Herning Klædefabrik added DKK ±∞ mil-
maintain uniform quality and to train new em-
lion to Gabriel’s turnover. Many machines were
left standing in the buildings in Herning, and a
textile museum has now been opened there.
In ±∫πµ, the factory ran into a significant
technical problem that could only be solved
with outside help. By coincidence, textile engi-
Certification and a horizontal
neer Børge Hansen, formerly the technical
manager of the then closed Hørsholm Klædefabrik, was hired to solve this and other tech-
In June ±∫ππ, key employees in manufacturing,
nical production problems. Børge Hansen,
sales and administration held a brainstorming
hired when he was ∏∞ years old, became a
session in the town of Skagen. The result was a
member of the board of directors. At almost
catalogue of problems to be solved. Many of
the same time, the company hired a young
them were so small that they could be solved the
engineer to be trained to carry on Børge Han-
day after the employees returned to the factory,
sen’s work when the latter retired, which he did
but larger, more fundamental difficulties were to
in the spring of ±∫ππ.
be resolved under the heading: “Quality control”.
The problems were solved, and throughout
A new system of management, designed to
±∫π∂, considerable production improvements
ensure well-defined goals for quality and man-
were made.
agement was to be introduced. Clear procedu-
Spinning capacity was doubled in January
res and instructions for documentation and the
±∫π∑ when Gabriel purchased the activities of
distribution of responsibility would be set up to
the bankruptcy-threatened company, Falster-
deal with most of the problems. The common