CSR 2024 UK v3 020524 web - Flipbook - Side 14
Climate &
As part of an industry with a significant carbon footprint,
we must take the lead and contribute to the green transition.
Frode Laursen's biggest environmental
and climate impact and risk lie in our
transport, which is, therefore, the area
on which we focus the most.
In our transport activities, it is primarily alternative fuels combined with
new vehicles and equipment in addition to focusing on vehicle fill rates,
route planning and driving style that
enable us to reduce our CO2e emissions
each year. At our logistics centres, our
primary focus is on the construction of
new centres, their location and how to
use renewable energy sources. Moreover, we are continually working to
reduce the amount of waste and plastic
while increasing water recycling.
One of Frode Laursen’s goals is to
reduce our Scope 1 and 2 CO2e emis-
sions by 35% between 2020 and 2030.
In 2023, we reduced these emissions by
14% compared to the previous year.
So far, we have reduced our total
Scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 25%
since 2020.
Altogether, our total CO2e intensity
in Scopes 1 and 2 has been reduced by
4%, which equates to a reduction of
22% since 2020.3)
In 2023, Scope 3 accounted for a
larger proportion of Frode Laursen’s
CO2e emissions than in 2022, increasing from 71% to 75%. The increase is
primarily due to the addition of more
emission sources in Scope 3 (more
ferry routes) and a decrease in Scope 1
emissions due to lower levels of activity.
Frode Laursen’s total CO2e emis-
3) Previously, the objective of a 35% reduction in 2030 only applied to energy intensity, but we are now
expanding the objective to also cover absolute emissions in Scopes 1 and 2.
Emissions from
own vehicles
Electricity and heat
consumption at our
logistics centres and
Emissions associated
with purchased
sions decreased by 1.3%, from 110,534
tonnes in 2022 to 109,115 tonnes in 2023.
In 2024, Frode Laursen will join the
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi),
committing to Net-Zero by 2050.
In joining the SBTi, we are committing
to reducing our CO2e emissions in
Scopes 1, 2 and 3 while ensuring that
our climate goals support the Paris
Agreement and the efforts to limit
global temperature increases to 1.5°C.
In this connection, we will set
new and revised objectives in all
three scopes.