FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 9
Frode Laursen will be celebrating its 75th anniversary on 1 December 2023.
This book recounts its history, the present-day and takes a glance into the
We touch lightly on the first 50 years, which were described in detail in
the book ‘Historien om Frode Laursen – 1948-1998’ (The History of Frode
Laursen – 1948-1998), wrien by journalist Nis Boesdal for the company’s
50th anniversary.
However, there has been plenty of material for our story from the past
25 years, which we’ve related primarily based on accounts from some of
those who have been and still are part of that story.
Frode Laursen’s success is not only closely linked to its owner Thorkil
Andersen, but also to all the talented employees who, over the years, have
ensured some of what is most important of all to Frode Laursen: orderliness, quality and professionalism.
Frode Laursen is our employees, which is why we have chosen to tell a
large part of our story through these employees.
We have selected a number of our current – and a few of our former –
employees, but could have chosen many of the others who have worked
hard to ensure that Frode Laursen has grown and gained the unique position in the market that it has today.
To all employees in all countries, those mentioned in the book and
everyone else besides, a big thank you for your great effort.
Happy reading!