FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 85
a sensible use of resources is one of Frode
Laursen’s core values, so the company focused
on saving energy even before it became a significant global issue.
Together with a number of other people,
Lars has helped develop a lamp where each
luminaire has its own sensor.
“Some were on the market, but they were
not optimal, so we developed our own. Then,
seven or eight years ago, we made an agreement
with Solar to produce a lamp that specifically
fits our needs.”
The luminaire can be set to shut down aer
a certain number of minutes of inactivity.
“In Frode Laursen, relatively few people are
spread across a huge number of square metres.
We started in Åstorp 1, which is 70,000 m², and
we saved 70 per cent on lighting.”
FRoDe LAURsen HAs Its oWn constRUctIon DePARtMent AnD WoRKsHoP