FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 83
Jan Skov’s title is Technical Director, and his area
of responsibility is broad: purchase and maintenance of everything that runs on wheels, both on
the roads and inside the storage facilities, but also
purchasing everything from coffee to pens, from
phones to diesel. And lots of other things besides.
“The only thing I’m not responsible for is
purchasing insurance. I have nothing to do with
the buildings, either.”
Jan was already familiar with Frode Laursen
as a young boy. He comes from Søen, just ten
kilometres from Vien, and his father drove for
Frode Laursen for many years.
“I used to sit next to him in the cab right from
being a kid of 5 or 6 years. I don’t think there was
ever any doubt that I would work with transport
and trailers in some way. My first real job out
there was to go and wash the trucks aer school.”
In 1989, Jan started his apprenticeship in the
workshop and trained as a mechanic, but then
he got what he calls a ‘crazy idea.’
“I got leave to travel to Australia and work
on a farm. Aer 10 months, the foreman sent
me a fax saying that I should consider coming
home and back to work now. So, I returned and
jumped back into my old role.”
Aer ten years in the workshop, Jan wanted to
try something else. He considered applying for
a job as a car salesman or something else in the industry, but in
2000 Thorkil came up with an
offer. At that time, Frode Laursen
had just taken over Unilever’s
fleet of Frisko ice cream vans.
“Thorkil said, ‘You can get
off the shop floor and take
responsibility for the Frisko
vans.’ I’ve been in the office ever
since. People sometimes say I’ve
had the same job for 35 years,
but I’ve moved around internally
instead, so it really isn’t the same
Jan Skov Pedersen
Alongside his job, Jan has pursued his great
hobby of handball, where he has been both a
player and a coach at a high level.
“All my basic knowledge about management and dealing with people comes from
handball. The fact that I can’t bear to lose is
also a deciding factor. I’m driven by the desire
always to build a winning team. We need to
have our best players for the different positions
and get them to shine as a team. I will go the
extra mile to win, and then it’s about seing
new goals.”
FRoDe LAURsen HAs Its oWn constRUctIon DePARtMent AnD WoRKsHoP