FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 79
Lars Christoffersen had just graduated from
Aarhus School of Business when he applied for
a job at Frode Laursen in 2005.
“At the interview, I was encouraged to talk to
the then-manager of IN-store. So, I did, and we
agreed that I would start work there.”
Lars was not particularly interested in logistics, but he knew a lile about Frode Laursen.
His master’s thesis dealt with RFID technology,
which it was anticipated could replace barcodes.
As part of his thesis, he visited Frode Laursen
and interviewed staff there about the future
potential of the technology.
“So, it was quite a coincidence that I ended
up at Frode Laursen and even more so that it
was with IN-store.”
One of his first tasks was to develop systems
that ensure the best possible utilisation of employee resources by optimising route planning.
Today, this is done with the help of the TMS
system, which Frode Laursen
also uses in its truck fleet.
“You can compare our
employees with trucks you
have to schedule, which is
why TMS is such a good system. It’s been a game-changer
for us. We have a technology
out there where you can take
pictures and submit reports
via an app so that we can
document what we do for
our customers. We can also
see where our employees are
because they have to clock
into the system.”
The number of customers, visits to the
stores and permanent and hourly-paid employees has grown steadily since Lars, quite by
chance, went to a job interview with IN-Store.
The same applies to his position in the company. Today, Lars works as a Development Manager and is responsible for the Administration
Team at IN-Store.
FRoDe LAURsen AcQUIReD neW coMPAnIes AnD Got GooD cUstoMeRs In tHe PRocess
Lars Christoffersen