FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 78
IN-Store became a
part of Frode Laursen
back in 2000
The haulage company Kaj Madsen Fjelstrup
A/S mainly transports refrigerated and frozen
goods throughout Europe.
In 2021, TA Logistics acquired 50 per cent
of Kaj Madsen from the previous owners, who
retained 50 per cent and the management of
the company. Under their leadership and with
TA Logistics’ know-how, the goal is to achieve
substantial growth.
Finally, an acquisition in March 2000 allowed
Frode Laursen to connect the last links in the
value chain from the factory to the customer’s
shopping trolley. This happened with the acquisition of the company IN-Store. In the first instance,
the Frode Laursen Group purchased a share of
IN-Store A/S. Since 2006, the holding company
TA Logistics has owned 100 per cent of IN-Store.
Before the acquisition, a product’s journey
ended with Frode Laursen at the back of the
supermarket, so to speak, with the driver delivering the goods. With IN-Store, the company
walked through the door into the shop itself.
One of IN-Store’s key business areas is to
display goods so that customers in the shop
see them and want to put them in their basket.
This is called merchandising. Product demos
in supermarkets and observing the placement
of products in the shops are also some of INstore’s core competencies.
IN-Store covers all of Denmark and is one of
the leaders in its field.
FRoDe LAURsen AcQUIReD neW coMPAnIes AnD Got GooD cUstoMeRs In tHe PRocess