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As a child, Jan Hansen cycled around the courtyard at Frode Laursen. He grew up in Vien, and
his parents had the general store right next to
the haulage company.
“I cycled around between the trucks filled
with animals they had picked up from the farmers during the day. They would be sent to the
slaughterhouse or auction the next morning.”
In 1985, Jan was employed as a trainee in
the accounting department and has worked for
Frode Laursen ever since.
He is now Head of IT and Customer Service.
“The departments fit together because both
work with service. It’s about helping customers
or helping people internally with IT.”
Over the years, Jan has led the implementation
and development of several of the systems that
Frode Laursen uses today.
“I’m the one who has taken us from paper to
Navision, is an operating system that handles a wide range of functions in a company,
including finance, warehousing, HR and much
Customers have similar systems, but oen
a different one from Navision. They also build
their user interfaces up in other ways than
Frode Laursen does.
“Our task is therefore to make a conversion
so that our employees feel they have one system
regardless of what the customer uses.”
Every customer has their own unique wishes regarding the system, and the trick is to bring
it all together.
“That’s where it can get tricky and experience is such a gi.”
There is plenty of experience in the IT
department. Jan is approaching his 40th anniversary with Frode Laursen and the average
seniority in the department is 17 years.
Over the years, Jan has helped develop several
systems, such as TMS – Transport Management
System, FMS – Fleet Management System and
WMS – Warehouse Management System.
The systems work at all Frode Laursen locations. A warehouse employee from Flensburg can
go to Finland, and when she logs in, she will see
the same user interface she knows from home.
The IT department also provides services
throughout the Group.
“Our biggest challenge in this regard is that
we can sometimes be too Danish, which can
be difficult for our employees in Sweden, Germany, Finland or Poland. It’s not just about the
language – the cultures in the countries are also
different, and we need to consider this.”
FRoDe LAURsen sees noRtHeRn eURoPe As one sInGLe MARKet