FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 71
From her spot in customer service, June can see
every stage of the Frode Laursen machine. From
the moment the customer places their order,
which is received and forwarded to the logistics
centres that pick and pack the goods.
“You have an excellent working relationship
with the warehouse staff, who handle the order
and report back. Then there’s a haulage department that ensures it gets moving; there’s a truck
and a driver who comes and picks up the goods
and delivers them to the customer. Finally,
there’s a satisfied customer, and that closes the
Not all customers are equally satisfied, June
admits, and that’s when customer service can
really get to work.
“People in customer service also get angry
calls, but it helps that we are so fact-based. We
can talk it through and review our data: for
example, what have we agreed on regarding
delivery? Based on our data, we can see whether we have met our part of the agreement. In
most cases, we have a good dialogue with the
June became the team leader in 2012. Today, her
title is deputy manager in customer service, and
she doesn’t generally have any direct customer
“I work with daily operations now and again
when it’s needed. In addition, once a year I take
over some customers for a week to stay in the
loop. It’s a great tool for geing a feel about
what’s going on in the company.”
June L. Hertz
FRoDe LAURsen sees noRtHeRn eURoPe As one sInGLe MARKet