FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 69
The Øresund Bridge,
which connects Denmark
and Sweden is oen
used by Frode Laursen
business. Those responsible for transport, for
example, don’t have to think about purchasing
trucks, depreciation principles or making
agreements for purchasing fuel. This is handled
by the technical department. The interfaces
are laid out so that you use your energy and
knowledge to create value in the defined area,”
says Thomas.
Frode Laursen has chosen to centralise and
is keen on standards.
“The logistics centres work according to
the same standards in all countries. When we
had to open the warehouse in Finland, we were
able to fly 10 employees from Germany up to
help us get through the tricky initial phase.
When they logged on to the scanner, it was
in German, and they could pick according to
the standard processes they knew from home.
It shows the mindset in our way of working,”
says Thomas.
FRoDe LAURsen sees noRtHeRn eURoPe As one sInGLe MARKet