FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 64
The Nielsen & Sörensen
building at Wienberger
Weg was taken over by
Frode Laursen in 2010
Sven Leistikow was one of the very first employees at Nielsen & Sörensen to learn that a Danish
business might take over the German company.
This was in Whitsun 2010, when he received a
call from the directors of Nielsen and Sörensen
asking him to come into work.
“When I arrived there, I got a big surprise.
It turned out that Thorkil Andersen and two
or three others from Frode Laursen had come
down to Flensburg to look into whether taking
over Nielsen & Sörensen would be of interest to
Sven joined Nielsen & Sörensen’s accounting department in 1994. Although he hadn’t
initially planned to stay there long, when the
company’s sole IT worker le, Sven took over
a task that eventually filled his entire working
His knowledge of IT systems meant he was
called into work during the Whitsun holiday
weekend of 2010.
“In the following weeks, Frode Laursen’s
people were present more and more in
Flensburg. We supplied a lot of statistics to
help them uncover what was wrong and what
was good in our company, as well as how they
could optimise things. Thorkil Andersen had a
very clear idea of what the figures should look
Sven and the other employees quickly
realised that Frode Laursen did not wish to discontinue their workplace but instead develop it.
Sven’s original plan to move quickly on did not
Sven has now been with Nielsen & Sörensen
and then Frode Laursen for almost 30 years.
One of the reasons for this is that his job has
constantly evolved.
Aer Frode Laursen took over, his functions
turned away from IT and towards accounting.
“The bulk of the IT work is handled centrally from Vien. Occasionally, they call me to fix a
problem here locally, but 80–90 per cent of my
time is spent on accounting.”
FRoDe LAURsen cRosses tHe BoRDeR AnD HeADs soUtH