FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 47
Since joining Frode Laursen in 2010, Pontus
has seen everything grow: the number of customers, the number of square metres and the
number of employees.
“We work in a fairly good industry because
we mainly deal with consumer goods. People
always need food on the table, so it’s very cyclical.”
On the other hand, the distribution of
consumer goods is partly seasonal, with
strong growth for some customers, especially
in Christmas sales. The primary workforce
in Åstorp comprises approximately 160 employees, who are helped by temporary staff as
“The majority of our employees work between 7 am and 4 pm. Many of our competitors
work evenings, nights and weekends. We think
it’s important that people are given the opportunity to have a normal family life. Sometimes,
of course, we have to adapt to our customers’
needs. It’s in our DNA that we don’t go home
until the day’s orders have been completed. So
sometimes we work a bit longer in the evening
to get things done for the customer. Without
good customers, we wouldn’t have good jobs.”
Pontus started working for Frode Laursen in
2010. At the time, he already had extensive
experience in the logistics industry. He started
off studying economics, however.
“My stepfather worked for Schenker and
suggested that I come and work there alongside
my studies, so that’s where I started. Later, I
joined the military, and when I finished there,
I returned to Schenker. It was nice to earn
money, so I decided to wait a lile while before
continuing my studies. And then I just got stuck
in the world of logistics.”
Pontus moved up the ladder at Schenker and
held the production manager position when he
decided to apply for the job at Frode Laursen.
“Moving from a German company to a
Danish one was a big transition. The Germans
had a lot of rules and uniforms. The HR policy
is tougher and there are matrices and rules for
everything. Of course, we must also follow customer guidelines and regulatory requirements,
but we let people have as much responsibility as
possible,” says Pontus.
FRoDe LAURsen FoLLoWeD Its cUstoMeRs to sWeDen AnD FInLAnD