FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 44
Kra Food, which at the time produced Estrella
Crisps, was the real reason why Frode Laursen
chose to establish a base in Sweden in 2005.
The two companies had already been cooperating for a long time on the Danish market.
“They liked us and our service, but they
wanted to have the same supplier in Denmark
and Sweden. So it was decided, and we established ourselves next to the crisps factory in
Angered near Gothenburg. Practically at the
same time, the same happened with Unilever,
who also wanted us in Sweden. That’s why we
also started building in Åstorp outside Helsingborg. Then one customer came aer the other,”
says Thorkil Andersen.
The move to Sweden involved negotiations
with local authorities, contractors and other
stakeholders regarding the construction. In
addition, there was the financial and administrative side of operating in another country
with financing, accounting rules, VAT rules,
collective agreements and labour rights in
CFO Anders Balle was given the responsibility at the time to make sure both the construction and all the practical things ran smoothly.
“Starting up in another country was a huge
leap, but it was exciting and went well. We grew
quickly and extensively, both in Angered and
Since then, growth has continued with new
buildings in Angered and of course Åstorp,
where the warehouses today are spread over
three locations and a total area of 166,000
m². Another Swedish logistics centre was
established in 2018 in Stenkullen, north-east
of Gothenburg. The most recent shoot on
FRoDe LAURsen FoLLoWeD Its cUstoMeRs to sWeDen AnD FInLAnD