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has sometimes been considered whether to thin
them out or formulate some new ones.
“Several times, we’ve tried to say that eight
is excessive and that we need to drop some of
them, but we’ve never been able to work out
which ones. And if we can’t do that, they must
stay,” says Thorkil.
When asked, Thorkil prefers not to talk about a
company’s culture, but more about a company’s
values. Because the meaning of values changes
over time, there’s no risk of them stagnating. At
least not if you ensure regular discussion about
what they mean.
“The values only really make sense if you
regularly revisit them and talk about what they
mean,” says Thorkil, pointing out that many of
the departments and divisions have discussed
the values’ meaning over the years, thereby
ensuring that they are always brought up to
In Customer Service, they used an internal
meeting to discuss how the employees in the
department interpreted the values. They arrived
at various formulations, which were provided
with illustrations and hung on the bulletin
Other employees say that they have a sheet
with the values in their drawer, which they take
out now and then to remind themselves of how
the eight values are worded. Still, more employees – probably most of them – have the values
in their heads, or they have become second
Here is what some managers and employees
have to say about the place the values hold in
Frode Laursen in 2023.
“Acting decently is natural to me. You
have to act decently with customers and
be nice and friendly to your colleague, it
doesn’t maer whether he’s from Romania or Aarhus.”
Flemming Pedersen, driver
“I would venture to say that many of
our employees, if asked, could answer:
What values do you associate with Frode
Laursen? They may not reproduce the
exact words as they are wrien here.
But I believe most of them can identify
with the spirit behind them, and not just
employees in Denmark, but also those in
Germany, Sweden, Finland and Poland.”
Thomas Corneliussen, CEO
“It’s not like I think five times a day about
whether we’ve remembered values 2, 3
and 4. For me, these values are so deeply
rooted that we react. And that’s actually
what I find with the vast majority of my
colleagues. This set of values is deeply
rooted within all of us.”
Birgie Enevoldsen,
Director of Business Controlling
“We take responsibility for what we do. If
you’ve made a mistake, go ahead and say
so. Don’t dwell on it, nothing good comes
from that.”
Thomas Andersen, Team Leader
“I don’t think many people would
disagree with the values, but believe me,
every word has been given consideration.
Deep down, it’s just about being a decent
Jan Hansen, IT Manager
“The values form the basis of the way we
work. From the warehouse manager down
to the shop floor, we are always talking
about how we can improve still further.”
Paul Jensen, caretaker
FRoDe LAURsen Is BUILt on eIGHt VALUes