FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 41
of course, we had to ensure that our employees
didn’t infect each other, so we organised twoteam shis and staggered breaks.”
The epidemic subsided and Mee returned
to a more normal working day in her new job,
in which she helps hire people, holds return
to work interviews and acts as a link between
Jyderup and the HR department in Vien.
“I also need to be the person who sees, feels
and hears what’s going on on the floor. How
employees are feeling. I really like taking care of
Part of caring for colleagues involves taking
part in safety work. Mee sits on the health &
safety commiee and helps to coordinate employee participation on courses, for example in
liing techniques, as well as courses in CPR and
the use of defibrillators.
FRoDe LAURsen cHAnGeD PosItIon AnD oPeneD on ZeALAnD