FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 36
Throughout the 1990s, Thorkil Andersen’s position was clear: Frode Laursen did not need to
establish a logistics centre east of the Great Belt.
The terminal in Tølløse would do.
“You need to take a stance on things, but
you also need to be open to new suggestions.
Suddenly we noticed that some of our customers were demanding we create a logistics centre
on Zealand. And if you don’t do anything about
it yourself, your competitors will take your
customers. It’s the worst thing that can happen:
when competitors take a customer who should
be with us.”
This is Thorkil’s explanation for why,
around the turn of the millennium, Frode
Laursen started drawing up plans to build a
logistics centre on Zealand. Initially, the focus
was on a site in Kirke Såby, less than 10 kilometres from the terminal in Tølløse.
The local politicians liked the idea. Many of
the residents in the area were of the opposite
opinion, however. Public meetings involving
FRoDe LAURsen cHAnGeD PosItIon AnD oPeneD on ZeALAnD