FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 30
The company’s growth up through the 90s
meant that Frode Laursen gradually became too
big for Vien, where there were only limited
opportunities to expand.
The solution turned out to be a closed-down
factory in Hørning. In 1992, the carpet manufacturer Weston discontinued production in
Hørning and other companies moved into the
halls as tenants.
When Frode Laursen acquired Knorr as
a new major customer in 1994, the need for
storage space grew. Both by chance and good
fortune, a notice appeared advertising vacant
premises in the old Weston complex, where
Frode Laursen started as a tenant. The buildings
were bought in 1997. The remaining tenants
were initially allowed to stay, although it
quickly became clear that Frode Laursen itself
needed more space.
Just a year later, shortly before Frode Laursen’s 50th anniversary, plans were announced
to build 10,000 new square metres next to the
old carpet factory. The construction price for
the new property was DKK 20 million. Frode
Laursen inaugurated the new building in the
spring of 1999.
Over the years, more and more customers
arrived, including KiMs, who became a significant customer. The large number of customers
meant that new construction was ongoing,
FRoDe LAURsen’s MoVe oUt oF VItten