FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 20
With his driver’s background, it’s only natural
that Thorkil has always been close to the transport operations.
“I love transport. The smell of diesel, the
cargo, the planning of routes and cooperation
with the customers – that running storage facilities also became a passion was simply a plus,”
he says.
Over the years, Frode Laursen has been divided into different divisions within transport,
e.g. everyday consumer goods, the furniture
department and international.
Although consumer goods are still a large
part of Frode Laursen’s core business, the furniture department was dropped during the 80s
and 90s. On the other hand, Frode Laursen has
built up a significant turnover through acquisitions in building materials and waste.
Frode Laursen has been operating both
national and international transport services
since the 1960s. Although the proportion of
international transport is now edging closer
to the domestic turnover, national transport
remains the company’s largest area.
Road DK is responsible for all national
transport, which takes place within three main
areas: distribution of primarily consumer goods
from Frode Laursen’s terminals, transport for
supermarket chains such as Salling Group and
Rema, and transport of building materials.
FRoDe LAURsen’s BIGGest DePARtMent