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Anders Balle
Former CFO Anders Balle has
known Frode Laursen since
childhood. He grew up on a farm
in Vien, and his mother was
one of the local women who
helped take care of Frode’s wife
Gunhild, who was disabled with
“That’s why my mother, father and three siblings aended
the company’s 25th anniversary
in 1973, which was celebrated
in the workshop. The company
wasn’t that big back then. So this
is the third time I’ve been part of
the anniversary celebrations.”
His working life at Frode Laursen began with
washing trucks aer school. Later, while aending the Aarhus School of Business, Anders was
given the task of preparing travel records and
organising customs documents for exporting
furniture to Norway and Sweden.
Aer graduating, he got a job with Frode
Laursen’s audit firm. From 1983 to 1988, he
worked as an accountant for the company.
When Thorkil Andersen took over the
company and was about to start his clean-up
operation, he persuaded Anders Balle to move
to Vien and take on the role of CFO.
Over the years, Anders’ tasks extended far
beyond finance: they included land purchases,
construction management, negotiations with
public authorities and, not least, spokesperson
for Frode Laursen to the media.
“We have always aimed to be precise and
professional in our communication. Not only
when presenting good accounts or inaugurating
a new building, but also at difficult times, for
example if we had been involved in a serious
accident. In such situations, my role was to
handle the press and, especially, contact with
the relatives.”
Anders Balle has also represented Frode Laursen at countless briefings in community centres
with concerned local residents affected by some
of the many large construction projects.
“We have always made it a virtue to stand up
and say: ‘We are Frode Laursen and this is what
we want to do.’ We have oen won by being
honest and straightforward.”
FRoM LocAL HAULIeR to InteRnAtIonAL LoGIstIcs coMPAnY