FL jubilæumsbog EN 101123 web - Flipbook - Side 12
Frode started driving
for the Danish brewery
Ceres in 1965
Over the years, transporting horses and cale
became less of a role in the haulier’s business.
New customers came along, including the
Aarhus brewery Ceres. Frode Laursen transported beer and sodas and brought back the
When new boles arrived at Ceres, they
had to be swapped over to the brewery’s
cases – a task that Frode discovered that
Ceres had problems geing its employees
to do. He offered to take over immediately,
aer which both the boles and cases were
driven to Vien and transferred there. For
Frode, it was not just about transporting
goods from one place to another. The most
important thing was to solve the customer’s
In 1965, Frode purchased his first refrigerated
trucks and started exporting, including taking
beef to Italy and returning with fruit.
Frode set his sights on consumer goods because, as he said, “Sliced bread and toilet paper
never go out of fashion.” Dansk Supermarked
(now Salling Group) was also one of the biggest
players in the Danish grocery market back then.
The partnership started with transport, but
when Dansk Supermarked began running out of
space for all its goods, Frode put forward an offer. Instead of transporting everything to Dansk
FRoM LocAL HAULIeR to InteRnAtIonAL LoGIstIcs coMPAnY