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The story of Frode Laursen began on 1 December 1948, when Frode Laursen took over N. A.
Levinsen’s haulage business in Vien. Back
then, the company comprised just himself and a
Chevrolet truck.
75 years later, Frode Laursen A/S has long
since grown from a local haulier to an international logistics company, capable of transporting and storing customers’ goods from factory
to customer in the store. Today, the employees
number in the thousands, with a turnover in
the billions and profit in the tens of millions.
But it all started in the lile house in Vien,
north of Aarhus.
From the very beginning, transporting horses
and cale quickly became the cornerstone of
Frode Laursen’s business. Still, if the customers
wanted, he also transported other goods: Earth,
sand, gravel and nitrate. Customers liked Frode
and his moo: “Fast and efficient Transport on
By Christmas 1948, he had hired his first
driver. Several trucks quickly followed together
with drivers to drive them. They all got to know
the boss’s temperament and many of them
experienced geing the sack; but also that it
was usually only a maer of hours before Frode
asked, in fact as good as ordered, those he’d
fired to return to work.
The employees worked hard for the company but also got more than their salary in return.
They found that if they made an effort, Frode
would be there for them if they were in financial
or personal trouble.
FRoM LocAL HAULIeR to InteRnAtIonAL LoGIstIcs coMPAnY
It all started with horse
and cale transport