FF Trade Brochure - Flipbook - Page 4
Freckleface started on the kitchen table in 2017 as a way of showing
Noah (14) how a business works as he’s always been a li琀琀le entrepreneur.
We began making candles and wax melts as gi昀琀s for friends and family
and our business has grown organically from there.
As a family we have built a brand that has 4 stores on high streets
throughout the UK, a successful online shop and is stocked in over
600 shops and garden centres.
We decided early on that the business needed to be a brand we could
be proud of with ethically sourced products, plas琀椀c free packaging
and a family feel to the business so it’s a place to lead the way to new
genera琀椀ons to operate with kindness and respect for our team and
the planet.
Thank you so much for suppor琀椀ng our business and following our
journey as we grow the brand and establish ourselves in the world of
lifestyle products.
Tara & Noah
5 Stars Trade
Family business
of the year
Our Products are Proudly
Best stand in the
handmade area
As seen in
Plas琀椀c free