EN Catalog 2021-22 - Catalog - Page 237
Available as a factory installed option on STPAG and IST® biofuel compatible
submersible turbine pumps, Advanced Protection defends STPs from accelerated
corrosion caused by the acetic byproduct of microbial activity.
Powder-coated and E-coated finishes protect exterior cast surfaces from
accelerated corrosion.
Stainless steel fasteners, riser, variable length column pipe and coupler
protect against corrosion and provide long service life.
A typical turbine model designation has up to five components to define the
pump being supplied as follows:
XXXXX = Factory installed options (Model designations may include one or
more of the following characters in alphabetical order.)
AP = Advanced protection with coated exterior cast surfaces, stainless
steel fasteners and piping, alcohol-gasoline compatible)
F = Floating suction adapter (1½" NPT female adapter)
75B = 3/4 hp fixed speed, single phase
VL1 = Variable length range #1.
Riser pipe length is expressed as two numeric characters that indicate
the total length of the riser in inches. Riser pipes are available from 178
mm to 1524 mm in 25.4 mm increments (additional charge for risers 787
mm or longer).
H = High pressure deadhead output (150 and 200 models only)
K = Intake filter screen (IFS, factory installed to PMA)
M = MagShell® (flow enhancing, expanded PMA shell)
*R = Model R check valve (1.65 bar relief/1.52 bar reset for PLLD)
*W = Model W check valve (1.10 bar relief/0.89 bar reset for PPM4000)
Y = Pump motor horsepower rating
75C = 3/4 hp fixed speed, three phase
150B = 1 1/2 hp fixed speed, single phase
150C = 1 1/2 hp fixed speed, three phase
200B = 2 hp fixed speed, single phase
200C = 2 hp fixed speed, three phase
VS2 = 2 hp variable speed**
VS4 = 4 hp variable speed***
A = Model length
STP = Basic model designation (IST® for variable speed models)
VL2 = Variable length range #2.
VL3 = Variable length range #3.
B = Riser pipe length
*If not otherwise specified, all STP models are supplied with standard model check valve (2.76 bar relief/2.41
bar reset for MLD, TS-LS300, and TS-LS500).
**Implied on IST® models unless VS4 is specified.
*** IST® models only.
(Advanced Protection STP shown with MLD+ and IFS, sold separately)