2023 Annual Impact Report FINAL - Flipbook - Page 25
In February, Dr. Julie Sweetland joined Dr.
Sandy Chung, President of the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Donna
Mazyck, President of the National Association
of School Nurses for a national webinar on
reframing childhood vaccination. This event
gathered a diverse audience spanning public
health, pediatrics, nursing, and more, as part of
a comprehensive strategy to reshape
discourse around child and adolescent
immunization. The impact of this collaborative
effort has been evident on influential platforms
such as the New York Times, and in the
shaping of state-level public health campaigns.
In 2024, FrameWorks will continue supporting
multiple state AAP chapters as they navigate
legislative seasons and advocate amidst
potential challenges to vaccination
requirements. Watch the webinar here.
Earlier this year, FrameWorks Principal
Strategist Nico Connolly was invited to join
the faculty of the Pool Fellowship for Health
in Allentown, Pennsylvania. In March, Nico
led a full-day workshop with a wide array of
cross-sector community leaders, including
the city’s mayor, focused on identifying a
shared narrative and framing strategy to
promote community health in Allentown.