Formulage product Catalogue - Catalog - Page 22
What your
skin colour
tells us
about you...
Extremely light skinned
– Light blue/green/grey eyes
– Red or light blond hair
– Skin freckles, burns and peels in
the sun without tanning
Fair skinned
– Blue/green/grey eyes
– Blonde hair
– Skin usually freckles in the sun,
usually burns and peels and
rarely tans
Fair-beige skin tone
– Hazel/light brown eyes
– Dark blonde-light brown hair
– Skin can burn or freckle
occasionally, can tan
Olive-light brown skin tone
– Dark brown eyes
– Dark hair
– Skin usually tans in the sun
without freckling or burning
Dark brown skin
– Dark brown-black eyes
– Dark brown-black hair
– Skin always tans in the sun
with minimal burning or freckling
Dark-darkest brown skin
– Brown-black eyes
– Dark brown-black hair
– Skin never burns or freckles and
always tans dark
Skin colour is measure by the Fitzpatrick scale.
Fitzpatrick skin typing is a numerical scale that
measures the amount of melanin in the skin. It
assists when one needs to identify various insalon treatments, home care and the amount
of sun exposure. Formulage has kept this in
mind, allowing our products to be used on all
skin types.