book.tbr - Flipbook - Page 23
Ship in昀氀ux should be Thinking forward to
good news for buyers solve the energy crisis
A select committee on the Tasmanian
IT HAS certainly been an eventful few
freight equalisation scheme (TFES) has
months in the world of freight and logistics.
been established. The committee will
This year has seen a record number of
enquire and advise on the scheme across
vessels being built and delivered into the
several key areas and aims to deliver its
market, the added capacity should see some
昀椀nal report by November 26.
welcomed price relief into 2025. It should
The Australian Government is also set
also be noted that the spread between spot
to receive the 昀椀nal Carbon Leakage report
rates and contracted rates continue to widen
which will inform development of a Carbon
with the largest gap appearing since Covid.
In August, China’s
second-largest port had
a spectacular explosion
caused by a Liberia昀氀agged vessel in port at
the time. Fortunately,
there were no casualties
at Ningbo Port but it did
result in signi昀椀cant delays
causing congestion and
schedules changes.
Labour disputes
One of the new Spirit of Tasmania vessels.
across the globe begin
Border Adjustment Mechanism. This will
to materialise with protracted union
be part of the government’s Net Zero 2050
negotiations in India, Canada and parts
policy with rami昀椀cations for environment,
of the US. India’s dockworkers agreed
supply chains and industry.
to nationwide strikes with truck drivers
It would be remiss of me to not mention
threatening to do the same, hampering trade
the Spirit of Tasmania issues that have
in the world’s most populace country.
dominated headlines of late. While the
Closer to home port omissions into Bell
delays and cost blow outs are clearly
Bay is causing grief for importers and
disappointing the investment in the new
exporters alike while this week’s ferocious
vessels will deliver long-term bene昀椀ts for
storms saw some sailings postponed
creating some minor backlogs for operators. Tasmania in the decades to come.
Affordable, reliable energy must be
IN TODAY’s challenging economic
to all, not just those who can pay
environment, the need for affordable,
reliable energy has never been more critical. for energy ef昀椀ciency improvements or can
afford solar panels or electric vehicles. The
Solstice Energy, previously Tas Gas – a
risk of creating a two-tiered energy society
long trusted Tasmanian provider of natural
is real, and it’s one
gas, has entered the
that we must address
electricity market
to offer Tasmanians
In addition to fair
a new local choice
pricing, reliability
in how they power
is paramount.
their lives.
Consumers rightly
The energy
expect their
landscape is
energy supply to
shifting, nationally
be dependable,
and internationally,
especially during
and while the push
peak demand times.
for more renewables
Energy on tap.
This means investing
continues, it has
in infrastructure
brought challenges
that can handle extreme weather and new
that cannot be ignored.
technologies that can deliver cost savings.
Consumer optimism around the energy
But sadly, the unresolved question is who
transition is waning as they grapple with
foots the bill for these investments.
the realities of higher costs and market
The energy debate too often gets bogged
volatility. Despite green intentions, cost
down in ideology and labels of good and
conscious realities prevail.
bad sources of energy, but Tasmania’s
It’s clear that the energy conversation
energy future must be about integrating
needs to shift back to what matters most to
the best of all available options to create a
customers: affordability and reliability.
resilient and dynamic energy system.
Energy pricing must be transparent and
Moving forward, the focus must remain
fair, re昀氀ecting the true costs of generation,
on providing Tasmanians with energy
transmission and distribution. Most
solutions that meet their needs today while
consumers are largely unaware of the
preparing for the challenges of tomorrow.
components that make up their power bill.
The only place to get clear, un昀椀ltered, and straighttalking Tasmanian political analysis and news.
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