book.tbr - Flipbook - Page 21
Entering the workforce
Experts help
pave way to
new careers
LOOKING for a job is a two-way street.
Employers are always looking for good
workers and young people are always looking to 昀椀nd employment.
But 昀椀nding a job can be hard for those who
are uncertain about what they would like to
do, so NEBHub made it easier by hosting a
Youth Careers Expo in Launceston last week.
It was a chance for representatives from
a wide range of careers to offer advice to
young people aged between 15 and 25 years
at the Tailrace Centre in Riverside.
Restaurant managers, civil engineers,
freight drivers, mixologists, Australian
Defence Force of昀椀cers – these and many
more occupations were in the spotlight.
Skills and Training Minister Felix Ellis
opened the NEBHub Youth Careers Expo,
which is an initiative of Bell Bay Advanced
Manufacturing Zone (BBAMZ).
As well as ample opportunity for jobseekers to speak with any, or all, of the exhibitors
and attend practical workshops, a networking
session for exhibitors was run over the lunch
break to build business connections within
the community, BBAMZ chief executive
of昀椀cer Susie Bower said.
“We’ve invited young jobseekers to imagine a range of possibilities for their futures
by engaging with more than 40 exhibitors
and getting the most out of the interactive
displays at the expo,” Ms Bower said.
Grade 10 Port Dalrymple student Charlie
Beck had a chat to George Town Council
mayor Greg Keiser, who was one of the
many experienced and knowledgeable professionals on hand willing to offer advice.
“There’s kids here from three different
schools in my area alone and it’s a great day
for testing the waters and seeing if there’s
any occupations that might suit,” he said.
“When you get out there and have conversations and meet the exhibitors and ask
a lot of questions you just might surprise
NEBHub is funded by the Tasmanian State
Government via Jobs Tasmania and services
communities in Tasmania’s north.
NEBHub is located at Cornwall Square,
182-192 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.
Liberty Bell human resources advisor Tori Claessens, production process engineer Adam Hayes and graduate
environmental of昀椀cer Connor Smith, with grade 9 Deloraine High School students Cody Land and Zac Crowden.
Port Dalrymple grade 10 student Mia Woodgate grabs some
information from Local Motor Group senior HR business
partner Karen Clayton.
Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone (BBAMZ) CEO Susie
Bower speaks about future careers with sisters Lily and Abi
Johnson at Tailrace Centre. Lily attends Launceston College
and Abi is at Kings Meadows High School.
Deloraine High School students Jack Donovan, Chris
Johnson and Zach Wilson take turns operating a harvest
simulator at the Arbre Forest Industry training and
careers hub.
to people
about work
in the aged
care, disability
and care
and social
were Mark
Burbury and
Dr Lauren