book.fontpub - Flipbook - Page 4
As Tasmania’s largest independent, locally-owned
publisher, Font Publishing has established itself as
the foremost proponent of Tasmanian journalism,
seen in its stable of successful community and statewide papers.
This growing portfolio manages to achieve both
invaluable statewide reach through each of its sister
publications, as well as hyper-local relevance for the
communities that depend on them the most.
While multinational corporations are exiting the
space, Font Publishing has witnessed a significant
strengthening of the newspaper medium, and continues to have increased confidence in print publishing as a
legitimate and trusted source of both news and audience
advertising. The firm has a strong commitment to the ongoing
sustainable future of newsprint publication in Tasmanian
communities, and looks forward to their continued contribution to
our state’s economic growth.
over 1 million newspapers printed
per year