ExhibitView All Products Universal Guide - Flipbook - Page 14
ExhibitView | 14
The next image shows how the presentation will look to a jury. Only
the screen on the right is seen by the jury/audience and your laptop
screen, left, is kept private. Use F12 to turn on/off the jury/audience
output. Important...Your laptop/projector needs to be set using
Windows extended desktop mode to achieve the private
juror/audience screen scenario below.
Next, we will look at your available markup & other tools for bringing
attention to and preparing and presenting your exhibits with impact.
The Tools in the Toolbar
The tools inside the toolbar, along the top are for different purposes
and grouped accordingly. The Common section offers select, callout,
and fit width. The Annotate section offers tools for marking on
exhibits in the presentation area. Undo/Redo is standard fare. Pane
Styles allow you to make the left or right pane larger/smaller. Screen
is for clearing the screen and recall screen and snap so you can save
an image of anything in your presentation are and make use of it later.
Let’s review the toolset, from left to right, each item.