The Coach House - Brochure April 30th - Flipbook - Page 16
Llwyn Du is a small, sought a昀琀er hamlet lying on the lower slopes
of the Sugar Loaf Mountain on the outskirts of Abergavenny town,
within a mile of the town centre. Abergavenny o昀昀ers a wide range
of ameni琀椀es including both independent and chain shops, super
markets, a cinema and theatre, doctors and den琀椀st surgeries,
banks and building socie琀椀es, well renowned public houses and
restaurants, the remains of an ancient Castle, walks along the
banks of the River Usk or the Brecon and Monmouth Canal and
good access to road and rail links. On the edge of the town is
access to the A40/A449 and A465 which in turn link to the M4/
M5 and M50 motorway network and the ci琀椀es of Cardi昀昀, Hereford
and Bristol. A main line railway sta琀椀on is located on the southern
edge of Abergavenny with trains to London Paddington (change at
Newport for the connec琀椀on).
Direc琀椀ons: Leave Abergavenny town centre on the A40 Brecon
Road , shortly before the 昀椀rst roundabout and just a昀琀er the Sta琀椀on
Hotel and The Old Sta琀椀onn Doctors surgery on the right take
the right hand turning onto Chapel Road, con琀椀nue to the end of
Chapel Road (approx. 0.5 miles) and bear right into Pentre Road
at the T junc琀椀on. A昀琀er a short distance you will reach another
junc琀椀on con琀椀nue straight on for a few yards when the driveway
to Llwyn Du Court will be found on the le昀琀 through a pair of stone
pillars. Follow the drive for about 0.3 miles and shortly a昀琀er it bears
sharply right the entrance to The Coach House will be found on
the le昀琀.