INNOVATIONS@FATH 22|FEB EN - Catalog - Page 60
Product portrait | flowsort Sorting modules
Intralogistics reinvented – modular, simple, scalable
• Sorting performance: 2,500–
6,000 products per hour
• Plug & Play Easy integration in
conveyor systems saves planning and installation time
• Gentle transport: Redirection
of products in "Flow" - no
abrupt braking or excessive
mechanical force
• Scalability Sorting systems
can be easily expanded at any
• Modularity: innovative standard modules for maximum
The Flowsort product portfolio consists of the sorted material is diverted particularly
standardized sorting modules. With just gently, without abrupt braking or mechanithree different modules - Single Line Di- cal force. This makes Flowsort sorting sysverter, Double Line Diverter and ZigZag tems suitable even for fragile goods.
Diverter - many different use cases can be The energy consumption of the modules
addressed - with a single underlying sys- is very low due to the operation with 24 V
tem. All Flowsort sorting modules harmo- motors. This enables energy savings and
nize with all other intralogistics systems benefits the environment. Designed and
and technologies. They are easy to install, manufactured in The Netherlands, Flowsboth in terms of hardware as well as for the ort sorting modules are very robust and
software connection.
ensure reliable operation of the automatic
The conceptual design ensures a high de- sorting system.
gree of scalability and offers a completely
new level of flexibility: Sorting performance and
layout can be adjusted to meet current
trofitting existing
intralogistics sysFERNSCHALTUNG
tems can be easily
implemented with
Flowsort. And all
this comes in a fresh
and modern design!
The "Flow" ensures that
The solution to current intralogistics challenges
In the distribution sector, smaller decentralized distribution centers are increasingly needed to ensure fast deliveries in conurbations. New automation
technologies are needed to meet this challenge. Flowsort sorting modules are
straightforward, flexible, quick to install, system independent and highly scalable.
This makes the Flowsort modules perfect for streamlining intralogistics processes
and setting up smaller distribution centers.