SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSBEARING UNITSFATH Bearing Units:Easily design slide units and sliding doors yourself• Individual design of slide unitsand sliding doors• Centric and eccentric versionsavailable• Can be used offset by 180° formaximum flexibility• Rugged constructionHIGHLIGHTSWith FATH Bearing Units for C-rail profiles,you can easily design slide units and slidingdoors for an industrial environment. Thedifferent versions are equipped with hardened rollers inside in different materialsand versions and offer you a high degree offlexibility for the construction of individualapplications according to need and customer requirements.In order to permanently ensure lubricationof guide rails and bearing units, FATH hasa suitable stripping and lubrication systemthat protects against premature wear.For the construction of guide carriages, the FATH Bearing Unit is combinedwith a suitable carriage plate. Centric andeccentric bearing units withdifferent bolt geometries are available. Asthe eccentric boltscan also be adjusted afterward, youREMOTEDIMMING &INDIVIDUALcan build a guideunit free of play.REMOTESWITCHINGCONSTRUCTIONSThe ideal resultis achieved whentwo centric andtwo eccentric bearingunits are installed.2Countless applications can be implementedSlide unit or suspension for sliding doors: The application possibilities arevirtually unlimited. Since the FATH Bearing Units can also be installed offsetby 90°, a 3D printer, for example, can be moved vertically and horizontally byattaching the appropriate slide units.Sliding doors for a wide range of functions in production and assembly can be precisely constructed – whether simple construction for closing small areas or as part of acomplex enclosure with practical access. The sliding doors are guided by mounting the FATHBearing Units on a C-rail system and D14 shafts. For large structures, the guideway can be supported by rollerson the lower side if required.91©2024 |
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