SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSNew Products | New Products 23 | New Products 23|01 Shopfloor & IntralogisticsFLOOR MARKING TAPE 18MODEL Diverse colorsDESCRIPTION For easy and reliable marking of path boundaries, stairs, parking / storage / working areas etc.,self-adhesive;Forklift-resistant and stable floor marking with outstanding adhesive strength, suitable for almost allindustrial floors, removable without leaving residueMATERIAL Plastic PVCCOLOR Red, blueFASTENING Self-adhesive surface on the backsidePACK QUANTITY 100 meters (2 spools at 50 m)Length=2x50m1818Ø250Fig.ColorWeight [g]Part #①Red ≈ RAL 30201300.00203T01831②Blue ≈ RAL 50171300.00203T018556-8 h1x, 2x, 3x ...18-25 °C3123©2024 |
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