FY 2025 BUDGET BOOK - Flipbook - Page 66
wetlands, the protection of aquatic biodiversity, and the conservation of green
➢ Economic Growth: Effective stormwater management can reduce property damage
and business disruptions caused by flooding, thus fostering economic growth and
attracting new investments to the City.
4. Coolidge Streets Roads and Stormwater
a. Coolidge and 7 Side Streets Road and Stormwater: In FY 2024/25, the City will begin
the construction of the Coolidge and 7 Side Streets Road and Stormwater expansion
project. This project will be funded by the Sales Tax Fund and by grants obtained thru
State Appropriations, Lake County Public Works and Small Cities CDBG.
The expansion of the road and stormwater system will provide a desirable infostructure
for development in the Rosenwald Garden area. The road and stormwater system design
will provide lighting and sidewalks to an area that has been neglected. This project
aligns with the Competent and Effective Government Priority, specifically Goal #3
Strategic Priority 3 of the City’s Strategic Plan - Develop, adopt, and implement master
plans for the repair, replacement and expansion of public utilities and facilities.
The expansion and improvement of Coolidge and 7 side streets offers several significant
benefits to both the City and its residents. This expansion project is a strategic
investment in the City’s infrastructure. The project will bring in development for work
force housing. Here are some key advantages:
➢ Increased Connectivity: The Coolidge Street project will allow for connectivity to
areas in Rosenwald Gardens that was previously nonexistent. This is a critical step
in providing hosing in an area that may have been over-looked due the lack of
➢ Environmental Protection: Stormwater management systems are designed not only to
prevent flooding, but also to remove pollutants, protect waterbodies, capture rainfall
to replenish groundwater, and prevent damage to property and wildlife habitat.
➢ Improved Water Quality: Stormwater systems capture and treat the water that falls on
pavement, buildings, and other impermeable surfaces. The runoff flows quickly and
can pick up trash, chemicals, silt and other pollutants.
➢ Compliance with Regulations: Regulatory agencies impose strict standards on
stormwater systems. As this area develops the expansion ensures that Eustis remains
in compliance with all relevant environmental regulations. Avoiding violations and
associated fines is critical for the City’s on-going compliance and exhibits fiscal and
regulatory responsibility.
➢ Infrastructure Resilience: The Coolidge and 7 side street stormwater expansion
enhances the resilience of the City’s stormwater management infrastructure. It
ensures that the system can withstand the challenges posed by future growth and
major rain events. A reliable stormwater management system is essential in
preventing flooding of roads and properties.
➢ Support for Economic Development: New roads, stormwater, sidewalks, and streetlights will increase development in this area. Spurring residential development
requires these elements to create a welcoming and safe environment.