FY 2025 BUDGET BOOK - Flipbook - Page 54
5. Recruit & retain quality employees.
➢ The Human Resources Department developed a competitive compensation/benefits plan to
recruit and retain quality employees that will place total compensation and benefits, including
pension, vacation, and sick days, in the top quartile of a weighted average of the private and
public sectors in the labor market area.
➢ The City has supplemented the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) with an increase of
$1,000 flat pay. This is specifically designed to mitigate compression concerns that arise
when both minimum wage adjustments and current employee wages are simultaneously
6. Continuously improve, diversify, and expand public communication and input.
➢ Economic Development added a new Public Relations Specialist to assist with communication.
1. Continue to update park and recreation user fees.
➢ Provide selected free days for Aquatic Center patrons.
➢ A new swimming pool heater was installed in FY 2022/23 to allow the Aquatic Center to
operate all year round.
➢ The Parks and Recreation Department evaluates user fees annually and adjusts accordingly.
➢ Updated rental fees to continue rental facilities upgrades.
➢ Provide camp/program scholarships to qualifying City residents.
2. Continue to pursue coordination of Public Safety services within the region.
➢ The Fire and Police Chief both work closely with the County and adjacent cities to enhance
communication and coordination efforts.
➢ The City and the County have established a partnership to enhance coordination,
communication, and efficiency using public safety radios.
3. Review and evaluate long-term options for infrastructure funding and the use of the local
sales tax.
➢ The annual Capital Improvement Plan is utilized by Public Works to evaluate the infrastructure
needs and funding strategies for both the short and long term. The priority of these
assessments is determined by considering the level of risk involved, availability of funds and
other various factors.
4. Evaluate the long-term viability of City buildings and facilities and develop strategies to
address deficiencies.
➢ In FY 2022/23, Public Works completed several City facilities’ improvement projects: Police
Department roof and fence renovation, City Hall roof cleaning and maintenance.
➢ Continue to plan and proceed forward with a Public Safety complex which would serve as a
third fire station and additional police station with an emergency operations center
component, projected and budgeted for FY 2027/28.
5. Implement plans to keep the library on the