FY 2025 BUDGET BOOK - Flipbook - Page 50
➢ Partner with Trout Lake Nature Center.
➢ Connect to a more extensive area trail system.
➢ Add guided kayak tours of local waters.
➢ Extend the watercraft rentals franchise agreement.
➢ Provide Planning/Feasibility Study trails application to MPO.
➢ The City Commission approved an interlocal agreement with Lake County, Tavares, and
Umatilla to work cooperatively on the North Lake Trail. In addition, the City has tentatively
budgeted $50,000 in FY 2024/25 for the City’s portion of a feasibility study.
7. Focus on development along the gateways to the City.
➢ The Gateway Corridor Improvement Matching Grant Program focuses on gateways in the City
has been expanded.
8. Support economic development throughout the City instead of increasing incentives to
develop in certain areas.
➢ Development Services will work with the Economic Development Division to become more
development focused and business friendly, including economic development and new
construction incentive programs.
9. Support education initiatives that promote job growth.
➢ Support local K-12 school programs.
➢ Support Lake Technical College.
➢ Partner with Lake County Economic Development and workforce development.
➢ The City has members on the EHS Construction Academy Advisors Board.
➢ The City is working with Lake Technical College to expand job training opportunities.
➢ Lake Sumter State college CDL and line worker training facility.
1. Develop criteria for identifying critical existing businesses and continue meeting regularly
with those businesses to determine how the City can support their growth and expansion.
➢ The City Manager and Economic Development Director meet regularly with Business leaders
and prospective businesses to identify and address needs.
2. Promote economic development incentives on the City’s website and social media.
➢ The Public Relations Manager continues these efforts and re-designed the City’s website.
3. The City has renewed its Community Redevelopment Agency in the Downtown area for
another term.
➢ The CRA Review Committee continues to review and collect input on CRA projects and
➢ The CRA Review Committee evaluate the effectiveness of incentive programs and adjust as
necessary. All incentive programs must show a return on investment to the taxpayer;
otherwise, the program must be considered a grant.
4. Identify and market City-owned properties for development of both commercial and
residential properties.
➢ The City will solicit and accept bids on specific residential parcels.
➢ The City/CRA has purchased the three blocks known as the former Florida Hospital Waterman