FY 2025 BUDGET BOOK - Flipbook - Page 24
The Fiscal Year 2023/24 Significant Events and Accomplishments
It is projected that General Fund expenditures for FY 2023/24 will come in under budget. A
significant amount of savings is attributed to position vacancies. Additionally, each department has
limited expenditures as much as possible. Other major accomplishments include the following:
The City Commission formally re-elected Commissioner Michael Holland to serve as Mayor and
re-elected Commissioner Emily Lee to serve as Vice Mayor for the City of Eustis. Holland and
Lee will serve in their respective roles through December 2024.
Implemented the School Zone Safety Camera program, the first City in the State of Florida to
implement this program.
3. Achieved the Distinguished Budget Award from the Government Finance Officers Association
(GFOA) for the FY 2022/23 Budget, maintaining this recognition for nine consecutive years.
4. Completed the City’s annual audit with no management comments from the auditors; applied
for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the GFOA the 35th
consecutive year, based on the audit ending September 30, 2023.
5. Finalized FEMA documentation for Hurricane Irma.
6. Implemented a Collections division within the Customer Service department significantly
reducing delinquency and same day disconnection/reconnections.
7. Improvements for Corey Rolle Field which should be completed before the end of the fiscal
8. Installed playgrounds at Selleen and Sunset Island Parks.
9. Experienced a 50% increase in participation in Summer Camp programs.
10. The Fire Department maintained full ALS service within Eustis City limits and maintained the
City’s ISO rating.
11. Information Technology assisted with the migration to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office for their
12. Information Technology completed the CISA audit with the Department of Homeland Security
and has already implemented a significant number of recommendations.
13. City Events coordinated the 8-day celebration of Georgefest which included the Miss Eustis and
Miss Georgefest scholarship programs. Achieved record-breaking attendance with over
26,000 people in Downtown Eustis over the course of the event.
14. The City’s Hometown Celebration had more than 10,000 people in Ferran Park the night of the
fireworks celebration, breaking another record.
15. Development Services revised the departments applications and added links to the
Department’s web page to allow for easier access to the County’s GIS system.
16. Development Services and the City Clerk coordinated a large-scale project to digitize many of
the City’s files dating back to the 1970’s.
17. Public Works began and/or completed several large projects including the McDonald Avenue
gravity sewer main project, Lift Station # 9 rehab, South Grove Street water main upsizing,
Grand Island WTP fuel tank, Easter WWTF permit renewal, Bates Avenue WWTP expansion,
completion of a significant number of City sidewalks, street resurfacing, roof replacement on
the Clifford House, documentation of GPS coordinates of all City amenities to name but a few.
Additional projects for the upcoming year include, but are not limited to, the Coolidge utility and
road project which ultimately will include stormwater improvements, sidewalks, lighting, new
sewer upgrades and a construction of a new watermain to include fire protection. Other projects