FY 2025 BUDGET BOOK - Flipbook - Page 22
The Street Improvement Fund provides the following services:
Public land maintenance of parks and other City-owned properties - 1,000+ acres
Streetlighting and traffic signals, approximately 12+ square miles
Tree trimming and replacement services
Maintenance and repair of 100+ miles of roadway and 35+ miles of sidewalks
Water and Wastewater Fund Budget Analysis
The Water and Sewer Fund (Fund 040) has a total revenue budget of $15,526,125 with a projected
beginning fund balance of $21,081,937. The budget includes total expenses of $15,754,728 as well
as the required 90-day operating reserves of $3,612,716, leaving a remaining fund balance of
$20,853,334 (Water & Wastewater Summary, page 273). This will allow the City to continue with ongoing capital improvement and infrastructure needs. Revenue sources include water and
wastewater sales, reclaimed water sales, and water and sewer sales to RedTail and Sorrento Springs.
The fund has operating expenses of $9,727,278 and non-operating expenses of $6,027,450 which
includes capital items, inter-fund transfers, general liability and property insurance, and debt
service (Water & Wastewater Expenses, page 276).
The Water and Sewer Fund includes the Deputy Director of Public Works for Utilities, the Water
Superintendent, Utility Supervisor and several utility operators and maintenance workers. There
are 20 positions in Water, 19 in Wastewater, and 22 in Utility Administration which includes
Customer Service and meter reading services.
During FY 2023/24 the City contracted for a new five-year rate study. The study is being performed
to ensure that the City maintains rates sufficient to cover normal operations, renewal and
replacement of infrastructure needs, adequate expansion of the system to accommodate growth,
and protection to bondholders to make necessary debt payments. New water and wastewater rates
went into effect in August 2024.
The City’s Water and Wastewater Utility provides the following services:
Water service to approximately 12,535 customers, supplying over 3.50 million gallons of water
per day
Maintenance and repair of 183+ miles of water main
Maintenance and repair of 121 miles of sanitary sewer lines
Over 12,619 monthly bills for various services
Over 15,735 meters read per month
Stormwater Fund Budget Analysis
Stormwater utility fees provide the major source of funding for the Stormwater Utility Fund. Other
minimal revenue sources include interest earnings. The estimated beginning fund balance is
$709,824. Budgeted revenue for FY 2024/25 is $926,000. Operating expenditures are budgeted at
$1,224,281, leaving a fund balance of $411,543. This amount covers the required reserves of
$306,070 (Stormwater Summary, page 268).
The Stormwater Fund includes 4 full-time employees and is responsible for street sweeping and
drainage maintenance. The Stormwater Fund transfers $260,000 (Stormwater Summary, page 268)
to the Street Improvement Fund.
In the upcoming year the City will include a recommendation for utilizing automatic increases to
the stormwater rates each year. It has been over a decade since stormwater rates were increased.