Adopted Budget Book FY 23-24 Final with TOC links - Flipbook - Page 85
Strategic → CiTy of eusTis PerformanCe measuremenT sysTem anD buDgeT TrenDs
performance between leadership and staff. Strong community strategic plan has clear priorities,
goals, strategies, and actions.
Measurement: How will we know? Performance measurement is generally defined as regular
measurement of outcomes and results, which generates reliable data on the effectiveness and
efficiency of programs. Community strategic plan requires measurement to monitor performance progress.
Monitoring and Communicating Progress: How well are we doing? City monitors the process
to identify weaknesses and strengths and recalibrate departmental approach to make it more
impactful; to improve the efficiency and accountability of the communication budget; and, most
importantly, demonstrate and quantify the effectiveness of communication. City monitors their
plans, documents progress, and communicates with the community to monitor performance
Quality Improvement: How will we improve? It consists of systematic and continuous actions
that lead to measurable improvement in City services. It is establishing a program or process
to manage change and achieve quality improvement in public service policies, programs, or
infrastructure based on performance standards, measures, and reports. City might correct the
course as needed, based on monitoring progress.
Performance Analysis targets the evaluation of the annual performance. Thus, it provides
support for establishing control loops to influence operations on the one hand and to optimize
processes in the long run on the other. Performance analysis can help to review departmental
contributions towards a project or assignment that was prioritized by strategic plan.
Figure 15:
City of Eustis Performance Management System Framework
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City of Eustis, Florida
Adopted Budget