ACFR - FY2020 5-28-21 FINAL - Flipbook - Page 9
In addition to the above activities, the City exercises oversight responsibility for the Community
Redevelopment Agency. Accordingly, these activities are included in the reporting entity and
reflected in Note 1 in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
The City utilizes a Commission/Manager form of government. Five Commission members are
elected to staggered four-year terms. Each year the Commission chooses a new Mayor and
Vice Mayor from the existing group of Commissioners. Elections are held on the first Tuesday
after the first Monday in November and the winners take the seat during the first meeting in
The City Manager is a full-time position appointed by the Commission and serves as the City's
Chief Executive/Administrative Officer. The City Manager, per the charter, appoints both the
Finance Director and the City Clerk. Once the City Manager appoints these positions, the City
Commission must also approve the positions. The charter authorizes departments for Finance,
Police, Fire, Water, Sewer, and Public Works. Other departments may be established by
ordinance upon recommendation of the City Manager. A Director shall head each department,
subject to discretion of the City Manager.
The annual budget serves as the foundation for the City’s financial planning and control. All City
departments are required to submit requests for appropriations to the City Manager. The City
Manager uses these requests as the basis for developing the proposed budget. The City
Commission must approve all amendments to the over threshold budget. Staff prepares a
resolution for any increase in expenditures to amend the budget.
The City Manager presents the proposed budget to City Commission for review no less than
forty-five (45) days before the expiration of each fiscal year. The City Commission is required to
hold two (2) public hearings on the proposed budget and adopt a final budget no later than
September 30th, the close of the City’s fiscal year. The appropriated budget is prepared by
fund, function, and department. Budgets for all governmental fund types are adopted consistent
with generally accepted accounting principles. Budget-to-actual comparisons are provided for
each governmental fund.
The City also prepares a five-year Capital Improvement Plan, which is reviewed and updated
annually. The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan, provides a City-wide plan for utility
improvements, equipment replacements, and projects related to growth. The plan details the
development of revenue projections and capital needs assumptions. The Sales Tax Capital
Projects Fund revenue continues to provide many improvements that benefit the community,
such as infrastructure, police and fire vehicles and equipment, along with parks and recreation
In general, both budgeted revenue and operating expenditures are currently very conservative
and calculated based on the most recent history for revenue with a modest increase for
expenditures. In addition to the general assumptions, each department estimates the manpower
and equipment necessary to maintain adequate levels of service. The City currently maintains
a healthy unassigned fund balance in the General Fund of $9.073 million, which is 95.72% of
total fund balance, which includes an emergency contingency of $0.4 million and an operating
reserve of $4.2 million.
As stated above, the City develops multi-year forecasts for the major funds and capital
improvement plan. Some of the key projects reflected in the capital improvement plans are: