Health, Safety and Worship
Take comfort in knowing you and your family reside in a city renowned for its lack of crime and extraordinary
emergency response. Even though Cape Coral’s population is approaching 200,000, it consistently ranks among the
safest cities in Florida. With ten fire stations spread across 120-sq miles, and a hospital that has the
largest Emergency Department in
the county, it’s easy to see why
Cape Coral Hospital is a part of
the city is continually recognized
the Lee Memorial Health System,
for its safety and security. In fact,
which first opened its doors
in 2015 Allstate released a report
back in 1916. Today there are
citing Cape Coral drivers ranked
as 5th in the country for safe
more than 9,500 employees and
driving. Whether you’re in your
4,500 volunteers to help make
home, or on the road, you’re sure
your stay comfortable.
to feel at ease knowing that you
and your family are safe.
Emergency Service
Cape Coral has developed highly effective solutions to combat
challenges that may arise due to inclement weather.
CERT, a Community Emergency Response Team, allows Cape
Coral Fire Rescue workers –
who have been trained
by Federal
Cape Coral has Urgent Care
Emergency Management
staff – to train Cape Coral
Centers that pride themselves on
residents to take
providing you timely and cost
care of themselves, their
effective health care in a
family and assist their
comfortable setting. Open 7 days
immediate neighbors in
case of an emergency.
a week, these clinics are
The class is free to Cape
when you need them most.
Coral residents and is
held one night a week
over the course of eight
weeks. More than 500 people have graduated from the program, emphasizing
the success and the community’s interest in safety and security.
Cape Coral is home to more than half a
dozen hurricane shelters. These safe
havens offer protection for families when
major storms come to the area. Some
shelters provide care to those with
special needs and others accept family
Faith plays a major role in many peoples’ lives and may be an
important aspect
when choosing
where to live. With
countless places of
worship around
the city, Cape Coral
openly welcomes all
denominations. From
Anglican to Catholic, and
Christian, Baptist to
Lutheran, in English or
Spanish, in a Church or
in a Synagogue, there is
a place for everyone. In
fact, many places of
worship have several
locations around the