EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 37
program coordinator
Manages and provides leadership for
the overall organization of the breakfast
Daily Volunteer
Prepares and serves breakfast, helps
with clean-up and interacts with
children each day.
Menu Developer/Health and
Nutrition Advocate
Creates a weekly or monthly menu that
includes foods that are in-season and
on sale, and develops recipes that suit
participants’ tastes while avoiding
allergens. Provides nutrition guidance
and advice.
Grocery Shopper/Food
Reviews flyers for sales, places orders
or purchases food and delivers it to the
Keeps tabs on the financial records and
receipts, food and equipment
purchases, and donations. Develops a
budget and updates as needed.
There are many different roles available for volunteers at a breakfast club. Find out
what each volunteer would like to do so you can utilize them in a way that suits them
best. Many people will assume that volunteering with the breakfast club means early
mornings serving food and cleaning. It is important to help people understand that there
are a variety of volunteer positions available during flexible times, in order to make
the breakfast program accessible to all potential volunteers. Here is a list of possible
volunteer roles for the breakfast club:
Initiates and organizes a fundraising
event, or leads a fundraising committee.
Report Writer
Seeks new funding opportunities and
completes grant applications. Compiles
and submits the information needed to
report back to funders (e.g. monthly
reports, progress summaries, and
year-end reports)
Volunteer Management
Recruits volunteers, develops the
volunteer schedule, communicates with
volunteers about school events, menu
changes, etc.
Community Outreach
Builds support from the broader school
community. Seeks to increase
community involvement through
volunteering as well as monetary and
food donations.
Food Safety Ambassador
Routinely inspects the program to
ensure compliance with all food safety
regulations and provides
recommendations to ensure a safe food
environment is maintained at all times.
Activities and Special Events
Plans and facilitates fun and
educational events and activities in
conjunction with the breakfast club.
Student Volunteer Mentor
Recruits student volunteers and
provides ongoing guidance and support.
Prep Chef
Takes care of prep work such as baking
muffins or chopping fruit and
vegetables during the afternoon or after
school so that the food is ready for the
Designs promotional media such as
posters or brochures intended to recruit
volunteers or increase student
attendance. Creates breakfast program
articles for the school newsletter or
website, and posts messages about the
program on social media sites.