EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 32
Successful Breakfast Clubs CHECKLIST
Successful breakfast clubs:
Offer breakfast every school day*
Ensure the breakfast club is universal by encouraging the participation of all students*
Involve leadership from a committed and informed program coordinator and breakfast club committee
Encourage collaboration with school administration and school staff
Ensure a system is in place to provide financial accountability and sustainability*
Include ongoing program evaluation
Offer a nutritious menu that includes food choices consistent with Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide
and provincial or territorial school food and nutrition policies*
Ensure the breakfast menu includes a minimum of three food groups per day including a serving of fruit or
vegetables and a serving of milk or milk alternatives*
Prepare meals using healthy preparation methods (e.g., baking, roasting, poaching) with little or no added
salt, sugar/sweeteners, and/or fat
Allow adequate time for students to eat and encourage them to be attentive to their fullness cues*
Promote healthy eating through positive role modeling and food and nutrition education*
Ensure health and nutrition messages are consistent throughout the whole school environment
Operate in a location that is safe, universally accessible, and welcoming*
Prepare, store, and serve food and beverages using safe food handling practices in accordance with
provincial/territorial regulations and local public health agencies*
Respect and comply with existing school board health, safety, and anaphylaxis policies*
Establish a fun place for children and youth to socialize while sharing a meal
Welcome and respect every student*
Offer a menu that is culturally appropriate and that accommodates the individual needs of students with
food sensitivities*
Ensure students have a voice in their breakfast club
Include active participation from students, encouraging the development of life skills, leadership,
and confidence
Encourage positive social interactions and nourish self-esteem
Foster a whole school approach by supporting partnerships with the broader school community
Promote the program within the entire community to ensure students and their families are aware
of its existence*
Actively recruit and manage volunteers including, students, family members and community members
Build positive relationships between the school and the local community and between students and adult
mentors and role models
Use reusable dishes and utensils
Minimize food waste and pre-packaged foods
Recycle and compost food waste using available programs in the community
Consider starting a food-growing garden on the school site
Choose locally sourced food when possible
*Refers to Breakfast Club of Canada’s program criteria which all programs must follow in order to be eligible for funding.