EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 31
Communication Station
Set up a communication station in the breakfast club’s kitchen or preparation area to
help facilitate communication between volunteers.
Information can be posted on the fridge, on a bulletin board, or in a volunteer binder.
Post information including: the weekly menu, shopping lists, volunteer schedules and
contact information in case someone calls in sick. Also include a cleaning checklist and
an FYI section where volunteers can write miscellaneous information like when they
will be away or need a replacement, equipment that needs to be repaired or replaced,
food that is close to expiry and should be used ASAP, or positive affirmations and stories
to inspire other volunteers.
Continue to communicate with parents, students, and the school
community by including entries in the school newsletter, attending
school staff and council meetings, putting up posters, hosting breakfast
events, and updating bulletin boards on an ongoing basis throughout
the school year.
Kick off the start of a new school year and the opening of the breakfast club
with a launch party!
Hold a school assembly. Invite guest speakers to talk about the importance of
eating a healthy breakfast every morning;
Invite each class to sign up for a breakfast club tour utilizing student volunteers
as the tour guides. Students can learn how the breakfast club works
(e.g. what foods are served, what time it starts, emphasizing that everyone is
welcome). This will help reduce the intimidation that some students might feel
about going to the breakfast club for the first time;
• Challenge students with a contest to design a new logo for the breakfast club;
• Create a Healthy Eating bulletin board or display in the school;
Plan a special breakfast with the students' favorite healthy foods and recruit
teachers, the principal or the school mascot to serve students;
I ntroduce a school-wide breakfast challenge to encourage more students to eat
breakfast every morning, either at school or at home.