EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 25
In order to suit the specific needs and available resources at
the school, the breakfast club can also be a blended program;
a combination of two or three of the above delivery models. For
example, the breakfast club can offer a full sit down breakfast
in a central location before school starts along with grab and go
bins in the front entrance for students who arrive later to school.
There is no right or wrong model; choose the delivery model that
works best for the school.
It’s a good idea to step back and re-evaluate the breakfast club’s location and
delivery model over time and make adjustments, as needed, in order to most
effectively meet the club's goals. Consider the following:
• Is the breakfast club reaching all of the students who need the program?
What barriers exist which may keep students from accessing the program
each morning (e.g. their bus arrives late, the location is not easily accessible,
the breakfast club is not well promoted, they feel stigmatized, a teacher
does not allow enough time to eat, etc.)
Could adapting the program delivery model or another aspect of the breakfast
club reduce these barriers and allow for more students to participate?
• What changes need to be made and how can they be implemented?