EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 15
clubs are
like the
and youth
they serve
and the
in which
they operate
– they are
all unique!
Breakfast clubs are like the children and youth they serve and the communities in
which they operate – they are all unique! In fact, there are as many different and
successful ways to run a breakfast club as there are schools in Canada.
Breakfast clubs operate in different ways and under many different names,
including student nutrition programs, school food programs, or healthy meal and
snack programs. But whatever the model, the underlying principle remains the
same: ensuring that all students have reliable access to nutritious food in a safe
and supportive environment in order to positively impact health and learning.
The tools, resources, and best practices collected in this guide are meant to support
interested groups and individuals in starting and sustaining a school breakfast club
or to build on an existing program. It is important that every club is tailored to meet
the unique needs and realities of the school community in which it operates. Not
everything in this guide will need to be implemented at once; different tools and
resources may become useful over time as the club continues to grow. As more
knowledge and confidence is acquired, it is encouraged to continue building on
the breakfast club’s successes by exploring the additional resources available on
the Breakfast Club of Canada website, connecting with a regional Breakfast Club
of Canada coordinator, or signing up for one or more of the Club’s skill training