EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 122
Grant Program
To support local efforts in
creating healthy, vibrant
schools and communities;
Breakfast Club of Canada
is pleased to offer the
new Breakfast Makes Me
ShineTM grant program.
Do you have an idea for a project that will
enhance your breakfast club and motivate
students to take ownership of their health?
Schools, school boards, and community organizations that are
currently part of the Breakfast Club of Canada network can apply for
grants of up to $2,500 to engage students in a healthy initiative that
promotes the development of lifelong healthy living habits. Projects
should focus on one or more of the three priority areas: healthy
eating, active living, and emotional wellbeing.
For more information including eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit the School Corner on our website at
www.breakfastclubcanada.org or contact your regional Breakfast Club of Canada coordinator.