EXAMPLE PAGE - GUIDE - BTU - Flipbook - Página 115
• Track attendance
• Track total volunteer hours
• Track foods offered from the daily menu
• Talk and listen
• Complete monthly reports
• Organize receipts and update the budget
• Review trends in attendance
• Refresh comment boxes or boards
• Attend meetings when possible
• Refer to action plan to check progress towards milestones
• Complete a year-end survey with students, staff and parents
• Organize all financial information. Report on total revenues
and expenses and any money left over.
• Re-evaluate the action plan for next year
Start a school-wide competition to get more students to eat breakfast
every morning! First, send out a survey asking students whether
or not they have breakfast every morning to collect baseline data.
Organize this information and report the percentage of students who
don’t eat breakfast to the whole school. Next, challenge students to
have breakfast, either at school or at home, with the goal of raising the
percentage of students who eat breakfast daily by the end of a certain
time period. Throughout the competition, ask students to report if they
had breakfast every morning and offer healthy prizes for classrooms with
100% of students participating. Share healthy breakfast ideas over the
school announcements or in newsletters and take the opportunity to
educate students on the importance of breakfast. Celebrate with a special
breakfast at the end of the competition!